"On behalf of WISCOH and Wheeler Health, we invite you to join us for July's Mental Health and Wellness Series for an insightful discussion on Social Isolation and Loneliness! Bring comfortable clothes as we delve into a theater class, where we learn how to reignite our imaginations and loosen our bodies! On July 16th Please join us in-person 3340 Main st, Hartford, CT or on zoom! 3PM- 5PM, the event is FREE and all are welcome! We look forward to seeing you there!! #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #Wellness #Health #mentalhealthandwellness #Art #artastherapy #Therapeuticart #westindian #westindies #Caribbean #connecticut #Hartford #community #communityoutreach #mentalhealthmatters #mentalwellness #mentalwellbeing #socialisolation #isolation #loneliness #feelingalone #ct #free