WISCOH Photo Library

Welcome to the West Indian Social Club of Hartford (WISCOH) Photo Library. To visit WISCOH's Homepage click/tap WestIndianSocialClub.org. For a better experience, we recommend viewing from a LARGE SCREEN (Laptop/Desktop Computer).

▼ Photography / Media Notice (open)
  • This library serves as an educational tool, historical archive, and promotional highlights for the organization and the community it serves.
  • You may be photographed at any West Indian Social Club event for the West Indian Social Club of Hartford (WISCOH), Inc's promotional purposes. These event photos may be used at WISCOH’s discretion for promotional purposes without your specific written consent and/or without compensation.
  • You may - download/use photos from the library of you, your friends or family for personal use or share to your network
  • You may NOT - download/use any photos from the library bring/cause harm to, bully, spread misinformation, or use with ill intent towards another person(s).
  • You may NOT - download/use any photos from the library for commercial purposes or use for monetary gain without obtaining written permission from WISCOH.
Anniversary GALA
Arts & Culture Excursions (ACE)
Birthday Fridays (BDF)
Board of Directors Reception
Caribbean Film Festival (CFF) Series
Caribbean Film Festival (CFF) Series
Caribbean Cultural Heritage Alliance (CCHA) presents a different film every month at the West Indian Social Club of Hartford. Cultural and Historical Education Film Festival Series.
Caribbean Soccer Night (CSN)
Celebration Week (CW)
Community Investment Fund (CIF) Workshop
Community Investment Fund (CIF) Workshop
Community Investment Fund (CIF) Workshops Hosted at the West Indian Social Club of Hartford.
Corporate & SMB Engagement
DominGO! Hartford
DominGO! Hartford
WISCOH Media Highlight's from the City of Hartford's DominGO street festival. Visit https://www.domingohartford.com/ for more information about this event brought to you by the City of Hartford.
Domino Fridays
Domino Fridays
Play Dominos every Friday at the West Indian Social Club of Hartford. Play Games, Network, Build a team, Have Fun...
Domino Tournament
Friendship Group - Friendship Nights
Friendship Group - Friendship Nights
Six organizations gather every Monday night to socialize and network to raise funds toward student scholarships within the greater Hartford Community. The gathering location changes every Monday to the facility of one of the six participating organizations.
Founders Day
Hartford Health & Wellness Seminars
Hartford Health & Wellness Seminars
2 Your Health, LLC presents Hartford's Health & Wellness Seminars, Hosted in the Founders Room at the West Indian Social Club of Hartford.
Health Care
Member Appreciation Programs (MAP)
Midnight in the City (MITC)
Midnight in the City (MITC)
Welcome to the Midnight in the City Photo Albums. This a fundraiser event created by the West Indian Social Club of Hartford Members to Celebrate the New Year.
Special Events
Snowflakes & Shadow (SS)
Snowflakes & Shadow (SS)
An annual Black and White Holiday Ball Elegant Affair, historically created by the ladies auxiliary of the West Indian Social Club of Hartford (WISCOH). A fundraiser program by WISCOH members to end the year of celebrations.
Under 35 Roundtable
Under 35 Roundtable
West Indian Social Club of Hartford presents the Under 35 Roundtable. Opportunity to: Get connected to the community. Grow your network. Give back to the community. Build your skills. Share ideas for a better community. Improve life for self and others. Email: Westindiansocialclub@wiscoh.org